Terminal UI =========== .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 Refactored as a separate sub-package to match on par with the webui module. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Refactored to support advanced terminal features like auto-completion. .. seealso:: Check out the tutorial :ref:`cust-commands` about adding custom commands. .. _monitor-cli: ``aiomonitor.termui.commands`` ------------------------------ .. automodule:: aiomonitor.termui.commands :members: :undoc-members: .. click:: aiomonitor.termui.commands:monitor_cli :prog: monitor_cli ``aiomonitor.termui.completion`` -------------------------------- You may inspect or modify the auto-completion helpers here. .. automodule:: aiomonitor.termui.completion :members: :undoc-members: