Source code for aiomonitor.termui.commands

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import functools
import logging
import os
import shlex
import signal
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
from contextvars import copy_context
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, TextIO, Tuple

import click
from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app_session
from prompt_toolkit.contrib.telnet.server import TelnetConnection
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import print_formatted_text
from terminaltables import AsciiTable

from .. import console
from ..context import command_done, current_monitor, current_stdout
from ..exceptions import MissingTask
from .completion import (

    from ..monitor import Monitor

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = (

def _get_current_stdout() -> TextIO:
    stdout = current_stdout.get(None)
    if stdout is None:
        return sys.stdout
        return stdout

def _get_current_stderr() -> TextIO:
    stdout = current_stdout.get(None)
    if stdout is None:
        return sys.stderr
        return stdout

click.utils._default_text_stdout = _get_current_stdout
click.utils._default_text_stderr = _get_current_stderr

def print_ok(msg: str) -> None:
            ("ansibrightgreen", "✓ "),
            ("", msg),

def print_fail(msg: str) -> None:
            ("ansibrightred", "✗ "),
            ("", msg),

[docs] async def interact(self: Monitor, connection: TelnetConnection) -> None: """ The interactive loop for each telnet client connection. """ await asyncio.sleep(0.3) # wait until telnet negotiation is done tasknum = len(asyncio.all_tasks(loop=self._monitored_loop)) # TODO: refactor s = "" if tasknum == 1 else "s" intro = ( f"\nAsyncio Monitor: {tasknum} task{s} running\n" f"Type help for available commands\n" ) print(intro, file=connection.stdout) # Override the Click's stdout/stderr reference cache functions # to let them use the correct stdout handler. current_monitor_token = current_monitor.set(self) current_stdout_token = current_stdout.set(connection.stdout) # NOTE: prompt_toolkit's all internal console output automatically uses # an internal contextvar to keep the stdout consistent with the # current telnet connection. prompt_session: PromptSession[str] = PromptSession( completer=ClickCompleter(monitor_cli), complete_while_typing=False, ) lastcmd = "noop" style_prompt = "#5fd7ff bold" try: while True: try: user_input = ( await prompt_session.prompt_async( FormattedText([ (style_prompt, self.prompt), ]) ) ).strip() except KeyboardInterrupt: print_fail("To terminate, press Ctrl+D or type 'exit'.") except (EOFError, asyncio.CancelledError): return except Exception: print_fail(traceback.format_exc()) else: command_done_event = asyncio.Event() command_done_token = command_done.set(command_done_event) try: if not user_input and lastcmd is not None: user_input = lastcmd args = shlex.split(user_input) term_size = prompt_session.output.get_size() ctx = copy_context() monitor_cli.main, args, prog_name="", obj=self, standalone_mode=False, # type: ignore max_content_width=term_size.columns, ) await command_done_event.wait() if args[0] == "console": lastcmd = "noop" else: lastcmd = user_input except (click.BadParameter, click.UsageError) as e: print_fail(str(e)) except asyncio.CancelledError: return except Exception: print_fail(traceback.format_exc()) finally: command_done.reset(command_done_token) finally: current_stdout.reset(current_stdout_token) current_monitor.reset(current_monitor_token)
class AliasGroupMixin(click.Group): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._commands = {} self._aliases = {} def command(self, *args, **kwargs): aliases = kwargs.pop("aliases", []) decorator = super().command(*args, **kwargs) def _decorator(f): cmd = decorator(click.pass_context(f)) if aliases: self._commands[] = aliases for alias in aliases: self._aliases[alias] = return cmd return _decorator def group(self, *args, **kwargs): aliases = kwargs.pop("aliases", []) # keep the same class type kwargs["cls"] = type(self) decorator = super().group(*args, **kwargs) if not aliases: return decorator def _decorator(f): cmd = decorator(f) if aliases: self._commands[] = aliases for alias in aliases: self._aliases[alias] = return cmd return _decorator def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): if cmd_name in self._aliases: cmd_name = self._aliases[cmd_name] command = super().get_command(ctx, cmd_name) if command: return command def format_commands(self, ctx, formatter): commands = [] for subcommand in self.list_commands(ctx): cmd = self.get_command(ctx, subcommand) # What is this, the tool lied about a command. Ignore it if cmd is None: continue if cmd.hidden: continue if subcommand in self._commands: aliases = ",".join(sorted(self._commands[subcommand])) subcommand = "{0} ({1})".format(subcommand, aliases) commands.append((subcommand, cmd)) # allow for 3 times the default spacing if len(commands): limit = formatter.width - 6 - max(len(cmd[0]) for cmd in commands) rows = [] for subcommand, cmd in commands: help = cmd.get_short_help_str(limit) rows.append((subcommand, help)) if rows: with formatter.section("Commands"): formatter.write_dl(rows), add_help_option=False) def monitor_cli(): """ To see the usage of each command, run them with "--help" option. """ pass
[docs] def auto_command_done(cmdfunc): @functools.wraps(cmdfunc) def _inner(ctx: click.Context, *args, **kwargs): command_done_event = command_done.get() try: return cmdfunc(ctx, *args, **kwargs) finally: command_done_event.set() return _inner
[docs] def auto_async_command_done(cmdfunc): @functools.wraps(cmdfunc) async def _inner(ctx: click.Context, *args, **kwargs): command_done_event = command_done.get() command_done_event.clear() try: return await cmdfunc(ctx, *args, **kwargs) finally: command_done_event.set() return _inner
[docs] def custom_help_option(cmdfunc): """ A custom help option to ensure setting `command_done_event`. """ @auto_command_done def show_help(ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, value: bool) -> None: if not value: return click.echo(ctx.get_help(), color=ctx.color) ctx.exit() return click.option( "--help", is_flag=True, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, callback=show_help, help="Show the help message", )(cmdfunc)
@monitor_cli.command(name="noop", hidden=True) @auto_command_done def do_noop(ctx: click.Context) -> None: pass @monitor_cli.command(name="help", aliases=["?", "h"]) @custom_help_option @auto_command_done def do_help(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Show the list of commands""" click.echo(monitor_cli.get_help(ctx)) @monitor_cli.command(name="signal") @click.argument("signame", type=str, shell_complete=complete_signal_names) @custom_help_option @auto_command_done def do_signal(ctx: click.Context, signame: str) -> None: """Send a Unix signal""" if hasattr(signal, signame): os.kill(os.getpid(), getattr(signal, signame)) print_ok(f"Sent signal to {signame} PID {os.getpid()}") else: print_fail(f"Unknown signal {signame}") @monitor_cli.command(name="stacktrace", aliases=["st", "stack"]) @custom_help_option @auto_command_done def do_stacktrace(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Print a stack trace from the event loop thread""" self: Monitor = ctx.obj stdout = _get_current_stdout() tid = self._event_loop_thread_id assert tid is not None frame = sys._current_frames()[tid] traceback.print_stack(frame, file=stdout) @monitor_cli.command(name="cancel", aliases=["ca"]) @click.argument("taskid", shell_complete=complete_task_id) @custom_help_option def do_cancel(ctx: click.Context, taskid: str) -> None: """Cancel an indicated task""" self: Monitor = ctx.obj @auto_async_command_done async def _do_cancel(ctx: click.Context) -> None: try: await self.cancel_monitored_task(taskid) print_ok(f"Cancelled task {taskid}") except ValueError as e: print_fail(repr(e)) task = self._ui_loop.create_task(_do_cancel(ctx)) self._termui_tasks.add(task) @monitor_cli.command(name="exit", aliases=["q", "quit"]) @custom_help_option @auto_command_done def do_exit(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Leave the monitor client session""" raise asyncio.CancelledError("exit by user") @monitor_cli.command(name="console") @custom_help_option def do_console(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Switch to async Python REPL""" self: Monitor = ctx.obj if not self._console_enabled: print_fail("Python console is disabled for this session!") return @auto_async_command_done async def _console(ctx: click.Context) -> None:"Starting aioconsole at %s:%d", self._host, self._console_port) app_session = get_app_session() server = await console.start( self._host, self._console_port, self.console_locals, self._monitored_loop, ) try: await console.proxy( app_session.input, app_session.output, self._host, self._console_port, ) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise finally: await console.close(server, self._monitored_loop)"Terminated aioconsole at %s:%d", self._host, self._console_port) print_ok("The console session is closed.") # Since we are already inside the UI's event loop, # spawn the async command function as a new task and let it # set `command_done_event` internally. task = self._ui_loop.create_task(_console(ctx)) self._termui_tasks.add(task) @monitor_cli.command(name="ps", aliases=["p"]) @click.option("-f", "--filter", "filter_", help="filter by coroutine or task name") @click.option("-p", "--persistent", is_flag=True, help="show only persistent tasks") @custom_help_option @auto_command_done def do_ps( ctx: click.Context, filter_: str, persistent: bool, ) -> None: """Show task table""" headers = ( "Task ID", "State", "Name", "Coroutine", "Created Location", "Since", ) self: Monitor = ctx.obj stdout = _get_current_stdout() table_data: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str]] = [headers] tasks = self.format_running_task_list(filter_, persistent) for task in tasks: table_data.append(( task.task_id, task.state,, task.coro, task.created_location, task.since, )) table = AsciiTable(table_data) table.inner_row_border = False table.inner_column_border = False if filter_ or persistent: stdout.write( f"{len(tasks)} tasks running (showing {len(table_data) - 1} tasks)\n" ) else: stdout.write(f"{len(tasks)} tasks running\n") stdout.write(table.table) stdout.write("\n") stdout.flush() @monitor_cli.command(name="ps-terminated", aliases=["pt", "pst"]) @click.option("-f", "--filter", "filter_", help="filter by coroutine or task name") @click.option("-p", "--persistent", is_flag=True, help="show only persistent tasks") @custom_help_option @auto_command_done def do_ps_terminated( ctx: click.Context, filter_: str, persistent: bool, ) -> None: """List recently terminated/cancelled tasks""" headers = ( "Trace ID", "Name", "Coro", "Since Started", "Since Terminated", ) self: Monitor = ctx.obj stdout = _get_current_stdout() table_data: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = [headers] tasks = self.format_terminated_task_list(filter_, persistent) for task in tasks: table_data.append(( task.task_id,, task.coro, task.started_since, task.terminated_since, )) table = AsciiTable(table_data) table.inner_row_border = False table.inner_column_border = False if filter_ or persistent: stdout.write( f"{len(tasks)} tasks terminated " f"(showing {len(table_data) - 1} tasks)\n" ) else: stdout.write(f"{len(tasks)} tasks terminated (old ones may be stripped)\n") stdout.write(table.table) stdout.write("\n") stdout.flush() @monitor_cli.command(name="where", aliases=["w"]) @click.argument("taskid", shell_complete=complete_task_id) @custom_help_option @auto_command_done def do_where(ctx: click.Context, taskid: str) -> None: """Show stack frames and the task creation chain of a task""" self: Monitor = ctx.obj stdout = _get_current_stdout() try: formatted_stack_list = self.format_running_task_stack(taskid) except MissingTask as e: print_fail(f"No task {e.task_id}") return for item_type, item_text in formatted_stack_list: if item_type == "header": stdout.write("\n") print_formatted_text( FormattedText([ ("ansiwhite", item_text), ]) ) else: stdout.write(textwrap.indent(item_text.strip("\n"), " ")) stdout.write("\n") @monitor_cli.command(name="where-terminated", aliases=["wt"]) @click.argument("trace_id", shell_complete=complete_trace_id) @custom_help_option @auto_command_done def do_where_terminated(ctx: click.Context, trace_id: str) -> None: """Show stack frames and the termination/cancellation chain of a task""" self: Monitor = ctx.obj stdout = _get_current_stdout() try: formatted_stack_list = self.format_terminated_task_stack(trace_id) except MissingTask as e: print_fail(f"No task {e.task_id}") return for item_type, item_text in formatted_stack_list: if item_type == "header": stdout.write("\n") print_formatted_text( FormattedText([ ("ansiwhite", item_text), ]) ) else: stdout.write(textwrap.indent(item_text.strip("\n"), " ")) stdout.write("\n")